Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Uchimata Kuzushi

I know it is going to sound funny, but I will use percentages to best describe the kuzushi for the uchimata.

70% high upwards and forward
30% on the far leg towards the toe

Left hand pulls accross the chest, right hand pulls up and over.

In Randori/Shiai the best thing to do is to minimize need for pulling at all, but make him do it. At least that is my style.
Trick him to push or walk on you with head forwards. (Majority of beginners or strength players are suspectible to this, specially if you make them feel you are resisting, but they are dominating) To exaggarate his leaning I usually slightly lean back on him with my head pushing back to make him feel like I am resisting, while I can keep my hip and legs flexible and ready, and my right leg forward. With having leg forward he thinks I am really resisting, but in reality I am shortening the distance for the attack, and minimizing the needed steps for entry.
From that position when he is upright, and leaning, I just insert my left leg where my right was, insert hip and throw over with strong hand rotation of hip upper body. It goes very smooth.

If I can make him walk on me I wait with my right leg for his deeper step with the left (near) leg, and I rotate in.
This is my favorite. It is amazingly efficient - you can do many of these in Randori without getting very tired.

Hope this helps, and I hope others who utilize uchimata would chime in.