Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Recommended Judo Ne Waza Videos

Here is the list of my top 3 favorites Judo Newaza instructionals, in order of value:

1. Mike Swain's Newaza (a.k.a. Championship Grappling) DVD Set

The best by far in terms of quality of instruction, production quality and value.
Great emphasis on details, great tips. It is about four hours long.
It covers turnovers into chokes, chokes, armbars, throws (takedowns) transitions
into groundwork. Amazing level of details is given to Juji Gatame, Ude Garami,
Sankaku (triangle) choke, pin and turnover. Techniques are shown in gi and no gi situations.
This is great video for Judoka as well as for any submission grappler.

2. Judo Newaza by Kashiwazaki

It was a pleasure to watch this newaza specialist showing his tips and tricks, and his speed
of execution. This is a very Judo specific set with lots of emphasis on pins.
There is a good section on transitions from standing to ne waza as well as on tranisitions from one hold to another or from one ground technique into another.
This is not a material for a beginners.
Video is in Japanese.

3. Newaza For Winning with Okuda

Very similar to Kashiwazaki's set. In Japanese as well. Strong focus on upper pins - Kesa,
Kami and some of the more popular chokes (Okuri Eri, Juji Jime, Sleeve variations).
There are lenghty section where Okuda explains his newaza strategy, or shares his stories
but unfotunately I do not understand Japanese except for the few Judo related words.

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