Sunday, May 17, 2009

Recommended BJJ Books for Judoka

This is my favorite "Gracie" book.

Moves shown are very practical, effective,
familiar and easy to adopt by Judoka.

Very good for people who are wanting to learn how to
transition their Judo Ne Waza to BJJ style.

This one is a good to know because it teaches basics
of the guard and also a fighting philosophy from
that position and strategies. It will save you some
surprises and give you few very good, rudimentary BJJ tips:

This one is much more advanced, but it is in many aspect
the state of the art of BJJ with lots of very advanced,
but very effective moves.
It is by BJJ great Saulo Ribeiro who is famous
for his intelligent and natural BJJ.


Widder said...

Kako si Edmone, Nadam se da si dobro i da je tvoja porodica dobro
Nisam mogao naci tvoj e mail, pa izvini sto ti se javljam na ovaj nacin

Edmon said...

Tu sam Arvine. Sad cu da ti posaljem e-mail.